Sunday, July 22, 2012

How to Make People Think You Are a Hipster.

Here's the thing. I am not a hipster. I secretly wish I was, and I totally emulate hipster fashion cues like a pro, but I am super mainstream and 100% okay with it. I do, however, like to think that I have figured out how to make people think I am the most bohemian hipster princess on the planet. It takes a certain amount of skill, this fooling the great wide world into thinking I'm cooler than I actually am, and now my secrets are yours. Enjoy.

1) Wear a lot of plaid. This is, I believe, the cardinal rule of being a hipster. Plaid is appropriate for all seasons, so don't shy away from that flannel goodness in the summer. Just wear high-waisted jorts and sandals.

2) Shop at Thrift Town, or whatever thrift store is nearest you. Even if you buy a party tank and a cat sweatshirt, saying "I got this at Thrift ____" will make your Hipstar-meter skyrocket.

3) Drink coffee that you didn't get at Starbucks, preferably with soy milk. It's even cooler to have a favorite coffee shop or two that you frequent to the point you learn the names of the baristas.

4) Scarves and headbands. The number one hipster fashion accessory. Can be worn in six trillion different ways. Classy hipsters might choose to wear a scarf as a turban, hippie hipsters will always rock the super-seventies across-the-forehead headband. You know which one I am.

5) If you have a Pinterest, re-pin everything your hipster friends post. Everyone else who follows you will think you are so creative and cutting edge for finding that DIY vintage mason jar craft.

6) If your mother gives you an old sweatshirt, wear it with skinny jeans and call it a one-of-a-kind vintage piece.

7) Be bold. Fact: No one has to know you are not really a devil-may-care hipster rockstar. Pick something funky you like, and rock it like the hip, happenin' cat you are. You will be surprised at 1) how many compliments you get and 2) how hip you feel.

8) Have just enough singer/songwriter music on your iPod to make people think that's all you listen to. What they don't know is that you also have A*Teens, High School Musical, and the Brian Setzer Orchestra on there.

9) Mix and match. Get CRAZY. If it's too much, someone will tell you. Until they do, see just how out of the box you can go. It's kinda fun.

10) Don't talk about how much you love hipsters. 

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