Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hey there, summertime.

It is that time of year again. SUMMAH. Though I like to say I love all the seasons equally, summer is the season that amps me up the most. It is days of free time that I can fill up with projects, goals, fun, and naps. Since this is probably the last summer I have to laze around (thank you, college degree and real world expectations), I plan on enjoying it to the utmost. To prepare for this, I thought up a list of ten things that are a set-up for the best summer ever. (As in, if you do them every summer, you will have a lifetime of the best summer ever).

1) Compile your summer jamz
I love listening to the radio in mid-May and figuring out which songs are going to be the summer Top 40. Then I'm all "Yes! I can't wait to jam to this Nicki/Justin/Maroon 5/Usher hit under the stars!" It's like a little hint of how awesome the rest of the summer will be. It's also important, however, to include on your playlist that song or album that pulls up sun-soaked memories of summers past. Mine is and always will be the self-titled album The Gabe Dixon Band. This year, my playlist also includes "Starships" by Nicki Minaj, "Payphone" by Maroon 5, and that not-so-seminal but TOTALLY CATCHY hit "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction. See? You're jazzed for summer already.

2) Get a pedicure
My mother always taught me to never wear sandals unless my toes were painted. Let's be real, I do not always comply to this rule. But it is a good one, so it makes the list. Treat your feet kindly by giving them a little makeover that includes either glitter, flowers, or neon paint. Live a little, folks, it's summertime. Yes the spa is a splurge, but this one time it is worth it. And just in case your boyfriend/son/husband/GBF tells you pedis are for girls only, tell them that I have seen (on two occasions) a nice white-haired farmer in a  chair across the room from me enjoying his foot massage as much as I was enjoying mine.

3) Read a really good book
I do not mean the latest vampire/witch/tween superhero that is on the shelves and being devoured by our youth. I mean a classic. Preferably one you have never read, though I do enjoy a yearly reading of Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott. But try something new. I've got my sights set on The Great Gatsby.

4) Have a productive project
Mine is applying for real people jobs. Yours could be planting a garden, redecorating a room, or finally organizing that closet/desk/drawer/storage unit/apartment.

This is my least favorite activity in theory, but the most rewarding upon completion. Here's the challenge: find a 5k (or something longer for the more ambitious athlete) in your area that will take place at some point this summer and sign up for it. If you have a friend, drag them into it. Running buddies are the best. Then, make a point to train by running a little bit every day. Keep it fun by running to some place cool, like the pool, and reward yourself with a nap when you get there.

6) Go the the farmer's market
I have never done this, but I super want to. Fresh produce (and people who want to sell it to you) is all over the place in the summer, so go find it! It's a good Saturday morning adventure for all ages, and if you can walk or bike there then you've really lucked out.

7) Now that you have that produce, cook stuff
Once a week (or more if you're June Cleaver) find a totally new recipe that just reeks of summertime and make it. I like to look in Better Homes and Gardens. Also Pinterest, which is a constant reminder of how unproductive and poor I actually am.

8) Outdoor concerts
MY FAVORITE ACTIVITY. Every year, the Kansas City Symphony plays a concert in front of Union Station on Memorial Day. It has become my favorite summer thing. See if your city's symphony is playing a free concert. If not, find another kind of outdoor music activity. Summer nights are not meant for the indoors.

9) Have craft day
Crafting is the greatest. This is the one season that you have enough time to make that cute little thing you saw in a magazine or online once. Thanks to technology, you can get the instructions in two seconds flat. So make a little pit stop at Hobby Lobby (and a local resale shop) and let your creative side go wild. You could be featured in a Martha Stewart article or reach great Pinterest fame. I, for one, am stoked to start apartment crafting. For inspiration, try this.

10) Get a new outfit
Whatever, I like to shop. Sorry 'bout it. But seriously, a new summer outfit that includes bright yellow shorts and a nautically-themed tank or a floral maxi dress and cork wedges will usher in summer like a neon sign that says LET'S DO THIS THANG. Don't go crazy (we all have budgets), but do treat yourself to a summery little something that will brighten up your wardrobe and put a smile on your face. This year, I got a bubblegum pink skirt that probably glows in the dark. Helloooo, summer.

So there it is. The best summer ever. If I had an intelligent phone with Instagram I would post pictures of my summer adventures. Since the camera quality on my mediocre phone isn't up to par, I will spare you. Still, stay tuned for stories about summer camp, the job search, and the Big Move. It will be a roller coaster, let me tell you. Happy summer!

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