Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Springing forward.

My favorite thing about the arrival of spring is the sense of great adventure that it brings, riding in on a sweet breeze.

Do you know the feeling I'm talking about? The sun starts to shine longer (I see you, daylight savings time) and birds start chirping in the morning again. The earth awakens and begins to play. Spring has arrived every year for the entire near-quarter century I've been alive, yet it still feels like a miracle every. single. time. Coincidence? I really don't think so. I count it on the list of ways God satisfies our hearts and lets us marvel.

Spring is a season for doing. Not checking off a list or drudging along at work, but doing great and wonderful things. (Like, but not limited to, painting the house and watching tulips bloom.)

This particular spring also happens to coincide with a season of big change for me. Which, honestly, is perfect. That sense of adventure in the air parallels with and is encouraging my explorer's heart. It's reeeeally hard to feel defeated or afraid in the face of adjustment when the weather is so perfect. The options feel as infinite as the blue sky. And infinitely wonderful.

I've been roving around Nashville looking for inspiration, and have not been disappointed. Hands down, my favorite thing about this city is the way it fosters creative hearts. For whatever reason, passionate people are able to make their wildest ideas realities here. From vintage peach trucks to Nash-inspired t-shirts to music. People of Nashville get it done.

I've decided I want to learn from the brilliant, creative minds I find myself surrounded by. I have no clue what I want to be when I grow up, so why not try a little bit of everything? Look at me, talking like I haven't a care in the world. Haaaaaaha. Don't get me wrong, it's a vaguely terrifying reality, having next to no direction. Sometimes I'm like JESUS TAKE THE WHEEEEEL. At the same time it's way fun. The door is wide open for every kind of shenanigan.

This is the plan:

1) Keep a running list of what I know makes my heart smile, for reference.
2) Find cool people who are doing cool things (even if they aren't on my list) and join them.
3) Learn how to make cool things happen from aforementioned cool people.
4) Do my own cool things.

 It's time to work hard, play hard, and figure life out. You're only twenty-three once, right? I have a grin on my face just daydreaming about it.

Spring is upon us, friends, and adventure is calling.

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