Thursday, April 11, 2013

Looking in the Rearview

The upside to the fact  that I haven't posted anything since, you know, February, is that I didn't have time to wax on about life because I was too busy living it. Sorry I'm just not sorry about that.

But I felt a little life update was needed because, y'all, I DID IT. I MOVED TO NASHVILLE.

(Insert full orchestra fanfare, please and thank you.)

The best thing about living here so far is that I can unashamedly blast country music and no one will judge me.

This morning, though, I find myself in a very familiar place. It's the same place I was in last September (if you will recall, I was super dramatic about it and moaned and groaned. Typical).  I am in a new city, I know exactly ten people, and I am jobless. It sounds daunting. It is kind of daunting. But HELLO MY NAME IS RACHEL AND I AM EXCITED. Ya know why? Because that totally unplanned time in Kansas City ended up being beautiful and wonderful and full of blessing. Which has convinced me of this truth: that the God I love has a treasure chest full of good things for me. My only job is to trust Him. And not freak out. Which, if you know me at all, you know is legitimately impossible. But, hey, a girl can grow!

They say hindsight is 20/20, and they are right. As I get my Nashville feet wet (literally. It's raining.) and take time to reflect on the last eight months, I am blown away by the perfect planning that landed me at a little cafe in Brookside with the strangest, most beautiful group of people. I would say random, but I know it wasn't. There's no way. For reasons that I'm sure will continue to be revealed as we each grow and move down different paths, we were given a season with each other to learn. (I am getting so sappy right now, I apologize). It wasn't necessarily an easy time. There was crisis and conflict and hurts. But, man, there was also alotta love. And I know a whole bunch of things now that I didn't know before. Which is super handy for being a big kid in a new city. And also for being a more well-rounded human.

So with all that in mind, I'm ready for this new chapter. I'm ready for new things and new experiences and new blessings. I'm willing to wait, because I know that sometimes good things take time. I'm trusting that stepping out in faith (and moving 9 hours southeast) will be fruitful.

Bring. It. ON, Nashville.


  1. Ok, so, Rachel! I just shared with a women's group on Sunday about this VERY subject!!!...about following where God leads and how when we look back on our life experiences, we can see God's fingerprints on it all! And wouldn't you agree that it's the unexpected in life that is most powerful since there's no denying God's orchestration? I'm so thrilled for you...and I'm so proud of you boldly pursuing dreams!!! I'm also glad you can see the value of your short season back in KS...I imagine your folks were particularly blessed to have you home one last time. :) Have fun getting to know your new city!! :) Love you lots, (Aunt) Trish

  2. Fun to see my two favorite bloggers cross-blogging! Love you guys!
